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Tisa Starr


Family Counseling through Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)

Are you seeking family counseling because you’ve reached an impasse with a family member? Does every attempt at conversation or expression of concern lead to raised voices, another misunderstanding and someone just walking away?  Family members thrive when they feel connected to one another, and they know that who they are is valued.

My approach to Family Counseling through Emotionally Focused Family Therapy assists family members to access the emotional responses such as anger, frustration, fear and hopelessness, which are at the root of unsatisfactory interactions and sometimes troubling behaviors. Once these patterns are recognized in counseling we work collaboratively, family and therapist together, to identify healthier ways of responding. These new family interactions create new levels of support and trust of one other.

Dr. Sue Johnson, creator of Emotionally Focused Family Therapy, cites the goal of family counseling “to modify family relationships in the direction of increased accessibility and responsiveness thus helping the family to create a secure base for children to grow in and learn from.”

Tisa Starr MA, MFT  • Couples Counseling Auburn – Individual Therapy – Marriage and Family Counseling Auburn • (530) 888-6595